Basic anatomical and physiological concepts applied to artists
Analysis and prevention of musicians' injuries
Strategies for minimizing effects of performance anxiety
Applying mindfulness to music performance
Auditory health and hearing loss prevention
Health problems faced by musicians
Available health approaches to improve musicians’ wellness
Development of healthy habits and practice strategies
Master of Arts degree in Musicians' Wellness
The University of Ottawa is now offering an MA in Music degree with a profile in Musicians’ Wellness.
Students in this program take various courses and workshops, and have the opportunity to participate in research projects
related to musicians’ wellness.
Each semester, we offer university credits for workshops taught by our team of health
who have special experience in treating musicians. Each workshop normally lasts three or six hours and focuses
on topics
related to musicians’ wellness. Chiropractors, physiotherapists, psychologists, yoga instructors, Feldenkrais
practitioners, and Alexander
Technique teachers provide both practical and theoretical knowledge for musicians. While full-time university students can take
these courses for credit, non-student members of the Ottawa community can also register for any of these workshops, either for
credit or as auditors. Community members can register for individual workshops, or the full course. Some of these courses will
be available to distance students.
How to Register:
Full-time students from the University of Ottawa can register through uoZone.
Because these units will accumulate towards a students’ degree program, fees are covered by university tuition.
We also welcome community members who are not University of Ottawa students to register for any of these workshops,
either for credit or as auditors. Community members who are not University of Ottawa students can register as auditors through the
Professional Development Institute.
Each semester we offer several non-credited workshops at the University of Ottawa. Some are open to both
university students
and members of the community. Our workshops usually require prior registration to reserve a place.
We offer classes in:
Mindfulness training
Alexander Technique
Feldenkrais Awareness
through Movement
Global Active Stretching
Please see the activities page for upcoming dates, workshop content, and
registration information.
Our masterclasses in musicians’ wellness offer a unique environment for musical performers and health professionals to
collaborate together. These classes are structured much like a standard music masterclass, but with a focus on the physical
and mental components of performance. Each musical performer can also invite their music teacher to take part in the class,
creating an opportunity for teachers and health professionals to address wellness topics together with the performer.
These topics can include posture and alignment, anatomy for musicians, performance anxiety, prevention of pain and injury,
and any other issues relevant to the individual performer.
Please see the activities page for upcoming dates, workshop content, and
registration information.