Éducation, Université LavalCo-supervisor: Gilles Comeau
Dissertation: Les critères de sélection d'un répertoire de chansons utilisées en contexte pédagogique d'éducation musicale à l'école primaire contribution à l'élaboration d'un cadre de référence
Electrical Engineering, Carleton University
Dissertation: Segmentation and extraction of regions of interest for automated detection of anomalies in clinical thermal infrared images
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Investigating the link between Dalcroze Eurhythmics and musical expressivity in novice piano students
University of Ottawa
Thesis: A comparison of the Middle C and the Mixed Intervallic reading approaches on music reading among beginner piano students
University of Ottawa
Thesis: The effectiveness of mindfulness training on young adult musicians experiencing music performance anxiety
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Measurable changes in piano performance following a Body Mapping workshop
University of Ottawa
Thesis: A survey of technique elements in piano method books and technique books for young piano beginners
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Mental practice in music performance: A literature-based glossary and taxonomy
Abstract: Mental practice is a strategy that can be used to acquire the necessary skills for piano and other music performance. This type of practice strategy involves the use of imagery as opposed to the motor skills used in physical practice. In a preliminary review of piano pedagogy material and recent scientific literature, the benefits of mental practice were established. However, this review also revealed a lack of clarity in the use of terminology which sometimes interfered with readability. In order to better understand this problem of terminology, 33 current studies on mental practice in music performance were collected and examined for both the quantity and quality of term usage. Terms were identified and recorded using existing terminology and classification methods. Terminological records were created for each term appearing more than twice in the literature. In total, 83 records were created. Issues related to frequency of use (repetition), use of multiple terms (synonymy), lack of term definitions, and the need for clarity in term usage (semantic vagueness and ambiguity) were then analyzed using these records. This term analysis process resulted in the creation of a glossary and taxonomy. The glossary of 21 terms and corresponding hierarchical taxonomy (tree diagram) are proposed as an aid to help clarify the terminology of mental practice in music performance. Given the value of mental practice in learning to play music it is important to develop and maintain terminology that will facilitate both the understanding of existing literature and the design of future studies.
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Measuring music reading: A guide to assessment methods
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Parting ways with piano lessons: Predictors, invoked reasons, and motivation related to piano student dropouts
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Reflective journaling: Preparing undergraduate piano students for professions in music
University of Ottawa
Thesis: The immediate effects of somatic approach workshops on the body usage and musical quality of pianists
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Music performance anxiety in children and teenagers: Effects of perfectionism, self-efficacy and gender
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Assessing 2D and 3D motion tracking technologies for measure the immediate impact of Feldenkrais training on the playing postures of pianists
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Comprehensive musicianship and beginner piano method books: A content analysis
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Survey of eighteen North-American piano method books: Repertoire selection and categories
University of Ottawa
Thesis: An analysis of terminology describing the physical aspect of piano technique
Abstract: Mastering the physical aspect of piano technique has long been a topic of great interest and importance to pianists. This is borne out in the numerous pedagogical approaches on the topic of piano technique. Despite the many contributions from pedagogues and scholars in developing an understanding of piano technique, many conflicting approaches often cause more confusion than clarity. After reviewing the literature on pedagogical approaches to piano technique, this study determined that problematic language might lie at the root of the confusion. Core concepts identified in the review of literature as recurring areas of misunderstanding were tension, relaxation, co-contraction, arm weight, and hand and finger shape.
The purpose of this study is to seek where issues of language exist in contemporary piano pedagogical approaches and to show how these problems may contribute to the systemic confusion in piano technique. To do this, the language that is used to describe and define the core concepts identified in the review of literature is analyzed in five modern pedagogical approaches. Five authors who have developed approaches that reflect current trends in piano technique have been selected for this study: Barbara Lister-Sink; Dorothy Taubman; Thomas Mark; Fred Karpoff; and Alan Fraser. The first step of this study entails collecting data from each of the five pedagogical approaches. The data is then analyzed for consistency and accuracy. Problems in language that contribute to the inconsistencies and inaccuracies are examined and illustrated with material from the data collection.
This study concludes by identifying the main sources of confusion in the use of language: inconsistent and inaccurate use of terms; wavering between scientific, common, and invented language; challenges in describing opposing qualities that come from tension and relaxation; and failing to discern between the individual subjective experience and the mechanics of movement. By recognizing where the problems in language exist, this study represents an important first step in for the pedagogical community to reach a common understanding of the language used to describe the physical aspect of piano technique.
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Sight-reading for piano students: Comparing three methods of assessment
University of Ottawa
Thesis: An on-line digital video library of piano teaching: A case study with five teachers
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Exploring young piano students’ perceptions of effective practice strategies
Abstract: Playing the piano involves a variety of cognitive, auditory, visual and motor skills. Mastering the coordination for all these skills requires intensive effort, repetition and persistence through increased and sustained practice sessions over several years. These sessions allow the students to make continuous improvements and enhance their music development (Ericsson et al., 1993; Hallam, 1998; Sloboda, Davidson, How, and Moore, 1996). Nonetheless, a major concern in music education is the challenge of motivating students to continue learning the piano. In the Music Teachers National Association 2006 survey, the biggest challenge cited was to “maintain the student’s interest, keeping enthusiasm high and getting students to practice on their own” (p. 83).
A first step in learning any musical instrument is to believe in one’s own ability to achieve personal goals. This belief is called “self-efficacy” in the field of psychology. It involves a generative ability in which cognitive, social and behavioural subskills are incorporated into coherent courses of action to serve individual purposes (Bandura, 1986; Maddux, 2002).
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Music conservatories in Canada and the piano examination system for the preparatory student: A historical survey and comparative analysis
University of Ottawa
Thesis: L’analogie comme stratégie d’enseignement en pédagogie du piano
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: A case study of an advanced violinist with a cochlear implant
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: An exploration of the presentation of the shoulder joint and the shoulder girdle in medical resources and in piano pedagogy resources
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: Teaching musical expressivity to piano students using auditory imagery
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: Teaching principles in piano tone production
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: The working memory of music prodigy
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: Piano sight-playing: How the brain process music, key variables that influences sight-playing proficiency and recommendations for a smoother and enjoyable path to sight-playing excellence
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: Pedagogical implications for piano teachers and students: Addressing negative cognition in MPA with sports psychology principles
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: The use of technology for the measurement and analysis of piano performance with a discussion of the implications for piano pedagogy
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: Cross-cultural analysis of motivation levels of piano students in China and in North America
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: Behind the scenes of musical expertise: Genes, environment, personality, motivation and cognition
University of Ottawa
Research Paper: L’impact de la musique dans le développement géneral de l’enfant de 0 à 6 ans
University of Ottawa
Course-based program: Profile in music and cognition
Carleton University
Thesis: Evaluation of piano-related injuries using infrared imaging
Carleton University
Thèse: EMG-based assessment of co-contraction in forearm muscles while playing the piano
Abstract: Prominent piano pedagogues present co-contradictions as being potentially injurious while playing the instrument. However, maintaining proper arm posture requires co-contradiction. The goal of this study is to quantify changes in active muscles stiffness and co-contradiction in university-level pianists who played a scale, two triad exercises and a composition by Ann Southam. Co-contradiction was calculated from EMG measurements of the FCU, ECU, FDS and EDC muscles.
In the scale task significant but steady levels of co-contradiction were measured. Co-contradiction in the triad exercises was not directly related to feelings of discomfort. During the performance of a piece composed by Ann Southam for this research subjects showed significant variations in co-contradiction that corresponded to faster note rates and increased loudness. Additional experiments to further clarify relationships between note rate, dynamic level, posture and co-contradiction are proposed.
Results from this study indicate the presence of co-contradiction is fundamental to piano playing.
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Multi-camera system design, calibration and 3D reconstruction for markerless motion capture
Abstract: Markerless motion capture, in contrast to marker-based gesture analysis. consists of extracting high-level human body kinematic information using passive vision only. The goal of markerless motion capture is to remove severe cumbersomeness issues regarding current commercial, and state-of-the-art, marker-based systems. In particular, marker-based solutions require the wearing of uncomfortable markets, which can interfere with natural gesture of performers. on the counter-part, markerless solutions lack robustness and tend to impose unacceptable constraints into the working environment for many applications. Currently, these limitations prevent markerless motion capture to replace marker-based systems in most real-world markets. Addressing these issues, the thesis presents a framework for markerless motion capture with specific interest on increasing the robustness of early topics within the chain of modules that compose such an application. In particular the topics of multi-camera system design, multi-camera calibration and volumetric reconstruction and coloring are studied.
The main goal of the project is to perform a complete system design analysis that will lead to the development of a reconfigurable synchronized multi-carnera system which is optimized for the specific application of motion capture. A solid high-level software framework for multi-view application is also developed and is effective to encapsulate low-level interactions with the camera hardware. The designed acquisition setup is calibrated using a convenient framework for multi-camera calibration that allows free camera positioning. The proposed multi-camera calibration approach is able to reach precision up to an average reprojection error below 1/2 pixel. The use of a novel and reconfigurable dual-marker target is proposed to achieve complete calibration with no scale factor ambiguity (i.e. metric calibration). The full registration of all cameras composing the network enables shape-from-silhouette volumetric reconstruction using voxel data. The proposed implementation is effective at computing the binary voxel occupancy information even in the presence of imperfect silhouette data. Beyond voxel occupancy computation, foreground voxels are also augmented with color texture. The color information contained in the multiple streams of video is effectively mapped onto the voxel data with proper visibility test to detect situations of occlusion. Experimental results presented at the end of this thesis demonstrate successful 3D human body reconstruction with adequate accuracy for motion capture. The example of motion capture for piano-playing performance evaluation is used to show the capability of the proposed framework to effectively reconstruct complex, self-occlusive, human postures
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Video segmentation for markerless motion capture in unconstrained environments
Abstract: Segmentation is an important first step in many computer vision applications. The identification of key regions within an image or video allows for a higher level analysis of the media content. This thesis explores the application of the low level process to the monitoring of human performance. In such context, a proposed segmentation algorithm would be required to impose a minimum of constraints in order to assure thee integrity of the performance and the proper transfer of key data to higher level analysis components.
Classical approaches to the segmentation problem either make assumptions on the content of the media or impose unreasonable constraints on their targets and environments. In doing so, the integrity of performance measurements cannot be assured and semantic interpretation therefore becomes skewed. The method presented within this thesis allows for unconstrained environments by using a spatiotemporal colour-texture segmentation routine that represents the media content as a set of homogenous texture regions. The routine is assisted by a non-parametric clustering algorithm in order to produce an initial colour-texture representation. The regions obtained from this algorithm undergo a merging and tracking process in order to produce a final segmented representation of a target. Experimental results reveal that the system is robust for complex environments and provides several advantages over current segmentation processes.
Carleton University
Thesis: Driving point impedance measurements during piano playing
Abstract: Evidence indicates that 30-60% of professional piano players suffer from pain and playing-related injuries at some point in their career. Most piano teachers emphasizes the need for a relaxed wrist during playing to avoid these injuries. Existing information regarding actions that might trigger a stiffness change during playing is experiential. Many studies are conducted with a limited knowledge of either biomechanical principles of technical piano skills. The disciples are integrated through a review of pedagogical approaches to piano technique, the clarification of terminology common to both disciplines and the application of biomechanical analyses to scientific data.
A review of pedagogical approaches showed that much of the information available regarding piano technique relies on metaphor to convey information from teacher to student on the feeling and actions required. Interpreting the biomechanical requirements of these techniques identified similarities and inconsistencies among them. Many imply specific biomechanical constraints on limb stiffness when describing a relaxed wrist.
Four specific concepts integral to the study of piano biomechanics are explained. Stiffness and co-contradiction are represented as injurious in piano pedagogy, even though they are in fact necessary to the proper functioning of joint movements. Relaxation is touted as the solution to injury when in fact complete relaxation would not allow the limb to be held in the proper position for playing. Concepts are often approached from a single-joint point of the view when in reality motions of the human body are interconnected. The change in position of a finger can affect all the joints in the arm.
A new approach is developed to give an indication of changes in impedance at the wrist during piano playing. Experiments are conducted using a haptic device to apply force perturbations to the wrist during playing and to record the position of the wrist in three-dimensional space. The displacement of the wrist due to the applied perturbations is quantified and analyzed as a measure of impedance at the wrist.
These experiments are unique because they are the first to regard changes in impedance at the wrist during piano playing and because the point of measurement is not at the endpoint but at a second point on the limb. The study is designed to create changes in impedance by increasing the dynamics (sound level), tempo and duration of playing. Subjects play music by Toronto composer Ann Southam written according to specifications of this study.
Statistical analysis of the data demonstrates the success of the force perturbations for the study of stiffness at the wrist. Data analysis was limited to one-dimensional motion in the vertical direction. The work demonstrates the practicality of measuring impedance during piano playing, however the music did not induce impedance changes in the two experienced piano players who underwent testing.
University of Ottawa
Thesis: L'efficacité des microphones directionnels: une revue de la littérature
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Assessment of the effects of Global Postural Re-Education on musicians with nonspecific musculoskeletal pain as assessed by questionnaires and infrared thermography
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Breathing patterns of pianists while executing four performing tasks
University of Ottawa
Thesis: Hapto-visual representation of three dimensional incomprehensible flows
- Dale Innes (2020)
- Maria Holian (2019)
- Jeffrey Sabo (2019)
- Gloria Chu (2017)
- Alessandra DiCienzo (2017)
- Samar Abi Nasr (2017)
- Andrea Yau (2016)
- Kelsey Ross (2016)
- Joanna Phua (2015)
- Elizabeth Szczepanski (2014)
- Karen King (2014)
- Jillian Beacon (2013)
- Grace Wong (2013)
- Lindsay Hamilton (2013)
- Meir Sung (2013)
- Vanessa Rektor (2012)
- Shannon Maertens (2012)
- Yuanyuan Lu (2010)
- Ivea Mark (2010)
- Michèle Wheatley-Brown (2010)
- Shirley Ho (2009)
- Marie-Claire Lazure (2008)
- Mélina Dalaire (2007)
- Erin Parkes (2007)
- Julia Brook (2006)
- Hoaden Brown (2006)
- Leana Azerral (2006)
- Nisreen Jardaneh (2006)
- Beverley McKiver (2019)
- Susan Mielke (2014)
- Sandra Markovic (2013)
- Paula Croucher (2013)
- Émilie Bertrand-Plouffe (2011)
- Esther Jean-Charles (2010)