John Spence

John Spence is presently the Program Manager, Application Technologies, at Communications Research Centre, Industry Canada, in Ottawa. He has 12 years experience in the design and implementation of technologies to support distance learning. He is responsible for the management of CRC/NRC VirtualClassroom Program, whose goal is to form collaborative partnerships to research and develop innovative broadband knowledge management and collaborative learning applications for virtual learning communities. Mr. Spence served as chair of the Founding Members Steering Committee ( and is presently Project Manager of Operations for the CANARIE E-Learning MusicGrid Project ( Prior to coming to CRC, Mr. Spence was Principal of Confederation High School in Nepean, which achieved national and international recognition for implementing technology to support learning. Mr. Spence was awarded The Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal for leadership in the development of the multi-party CRC Virtualclassroom and LearnCanada distant education programs.


John Spence

Communications Research Centre Canada
TEL: 613-998-6521
FAX: 613-990-8382