Monique Frize
Dr. Monique Frize joined the University of Ottawa, as a Professor in the School of Information Technology and Engineering, and Carleton University, as a Professor in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, in July 1997. She graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Electrical Engineering) in 1966 from the University of Ottawa, received an Athlone Fellowship and completed an MPhil in Electrical Engineering (Engineering in Medicine) at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London (UK) in 1970, a Master of Business Administration at the University of Moncton (New Brunswick) in 1986, and a doctorate from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1989.
Monique Frize worked as a biomedical engineer at Hôpital Notre Dame in Montreal (1971 to 1979), and as Director of the Regional Clinical Engineering Service in Moncton, New Brunswick (1979 to 1989). She was appointed as Professor in the Electrical Engineering department at the University of New Brunswick in 1989. Monique Frize was inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 1992 and as Officer of the Order of Canada in October 1993. In September 1996, Dr. Frize received the 6th Annual Meritas Tabaret Award. She is a visiting professor at Coventry University in the UK (2002-07) and an affiliated scientist at the Ottawa Health Research Institute. Dr. Frize published over 100 papers in journals and international conference proceedings in the fields of medical imaging, clinical decision-support systems and biomedical instrumentation.
Monique Frize