Video Monitoring in the Piano Studio
Comeau, G., Jardaneh, N., Lemay, C., Dalaire, M., Parkes, E. & Brook, J. (2007, October). New Technology and Piano Learning: Context of the Piano Pedagogy Research Laboratory. Music Education Technology Symposium – FiSM The Finish Society of Music Education. University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Comeau, G., & Ress, F. J. (2006, August). Using the Internet and Internet2 in music performance, research and teaching. Distance Learning Conference. Madison, WI. Comeau, G. (2006, March). Canadian initiatives in music performance, research, and teaching. Internet 2 Music Symposium, Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana. Comeau, G. (2005, June). New teaching processes for innovative music learning and music teaching. Round table session. Canadian University Music Society Conference, London, ON. Comeau, G., Brooks, M., & Spence, J. (2004, June). Leveraging organizational and cultural diversity for increased learning outcome. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON. Comeau. G., Brooks, M., & Spence, J. (2004, June). Video and broadband video conference in professional development. International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Biennial Conference, Ottawa, ON. Comeau, G. (2004, February). New technologies and cognitive sciences: What have they to do with piano teaching? ORMTA Lecture Series, Ottawa, ON. Comeau, G., Brooks, M., & Spence, J. (2004, February). Visual and broadband-mediated learning with special emphasis on music education. Teaching, Learning and Technologies Conference, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ottawa, ON. |
Gilles Comeau John Spence |