Jardaneh, N., Comeau, G. (2010, May). Playing from memory: Research and practice. In R. Chaffin (Chair), Memorization: Learning Strategies, Practical Approaches. Paper presented at the 2010 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Music Pedagogy, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Comeau, G, Mathieu, L., & Rektor, V. (2009, May). L’impact de différents types d’activités de pratique sur l’interprétation musicale. Association francophone pour le savoir – Acfas. Ottawa, ON.
Comeau, G. (2002, November). Éducation musicale : nouvelles tendances. University of Ottawa Discovery Series, Ottawa, ON.
Comeau, G. (2002). Composing in education. Lecture at the Conference of the Association of Canadian Women Composers, Ottawa, ON.
Comeau, G. (2001). Le répertoire pianistique contemporain et canadien pour jeunes pianistes. Lecture at the Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Quebec, QC.